Sunday, 26 February 2012

LIVE: Pulled Apart by Horses

Despite not being a massive screamy, shouty music fan, last Wednesday 22nd February I went to see Pulled Apart by Horses play in Southampton in a jam packed Soul Cellar.

Must admit though, I probably enjoyed The Computers more but not because Pulled Apart by Horses were bad but mostly just because I was completely amazed by their sound - I even bought the vinyl! With a hard to place genre, The Computers mix the best of old rock 'n' roll such as Jerry Lee Lewis with a modern sound like The Hives.

In an already warm packed room Pulled Apart by Horses took to the stage with one aim - to make it hotter. Having seen them a few times before I was expecting a lively show but I think I always forget just how bloody good this band are live. 

 Two fantastic live bands worth checking out.

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